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Do you feel unprepared tGun self defense men resizedo deal with violent attacks? Do you want to learn strategies and skills that could give you an edge in a dangerous situation?
If so, you should comsider coming to this Weapons Defense FailSafe Workshop taught by master black belt and self defense expert Tom Arcuri. Mr. Arcuri presents this important program all over NY state and Canada.
Whether you are an experienced black belt or have no martial arts experience at all, you will come away from this workshop with a higher level of skill and confidence. Don’t let lack of size, strength and physical abiliity hold you back from learning these potentially life-saving skills and tactics. Learn how to deal with attackers with a club, knife or gun.
Ages 14 and up, men and women
$35 fee
Wear loose clothes and sneakers
Register at any Martial Arts America location or online at Register here

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