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Let’s have some fun, improve our sparring skills and raise funds for a very important cause.

Two separate car accidents recently left black belts Laura Brooks and Kira Stone facing major surgeries and long-term recovery from their injuries. Both Laura and Kira are connected to Sensei Tom Arcuri’s dojo in Herkimer, NY. Sensei Tom is a long-time friend and martial arts associate of Sensei Matt Dorsey – Sensei Tom runs the Super Summer Seminar martial arts camp in Herkimer and he was a partner in presenting the World Kobudo Federation International Convention here in Rochester last May.

Our Spar-a-thon will consist of 60 minutes of sparring skills, partner practice and sparring sessions with your fellow students and your black belt instructors. You’ll learn a lot, get a great workout and have a blast.

This will be held at our Brighton Branch – 3450 Winton Place, Rochester from 6 – 7 pm on Friday February 10th.

All ages – kids, teens and adults. Yellow belts and higher. Bring your sparring gear (of course!) and your energy. And a donation ($20 minimum) to help our fellow martial artists in need. Thanks in advance.

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