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IMG_3245Every martial arts student is looking for the small, but important, details that will make them faster, stronger, better.  This seminar will help you do just that.  Sifu Jim Brault, a senior instructor under Wing Chun Master Francis Fong, will cover concepts, drills and partner exercises that will enlighten you and give you the understanding to take your skills to the next level.

Wing Chun, the original art of Bruce Lee and the art featured in the Ip Man movies, teaches student to use muscle and skeletal structure, along with sensitivity to your partners actions, to help you maximize your efforts in executing your moves.  Wing Chun also excels in teaching skills that work in the middle or “trapping” range – that challenging distance between striking and grappling.

Whether you’re a novice in martial arts or a black belt with years of experience, you’ll be sure to learn something new at this workshop.  And you’ll be able to apply it t your own martial art.

This 2 hour action-packed seminar is only $25.  Wear your martial arts training uniform or sweats and a t-shirt.

Register for this seminar at http://member-site.net/?EV–cbJib

SPECIAL BONUS! Seminar attendees will get a super-secret Discount Code to save $10 on the upcoming seminars with Master Francis Fong on September 11th and 12th at Martial Arts America.  Don’t miss this opportunity to train with one of the greatest masters of our generation …. and save $ at the same time.


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