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NEW! Eskrima class available – Wednesdays from 7 – 8 pm at the Brighton location (3450 Winton Place, Rochester).  Classes start Wed. Nov  8th.  New students can join anytime.

Eskrima, also known as Kali and Arnis, is a martial art that was developed in the Philippines and is built around the use of weapons first training for fighting and self defense. There are a tremendous number of styles and variations in practice today. The classes here at MAA will be on the basics of single stick, double stick and blade work. Training in Eskrima will help you to develop and improve such attributes as coordination, dexterity and agility.
The primary focus of this class is to train in this weapon-based system of martial arts for self improvement and self defense. The classes are progressive and challenging whether you are a beginner or have experience in another martial art DTE will sharpen all of your skills!
MAA is an authorized Learning Center for DTE  Direct Torres Eskrima under Maestro Martin Torres. Direct Torres Eskrima is a complete very efficient and effective martial art. DTE uses impact and edged weapons as well as all aspects of open hand skills for self defense.
Group leaders for the class are Mark Cardona and Matt Bernius.
Tuition is $40 per month for MAA students; $60 per month for others.  Register when you come to your first class.  Sticks will be available to borrow or purchase.

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